App Re-design 2024
Duo Mobile App Re-design Project
I aimed to enhance the user experience by simplifying and diversifying verification methods on Duo Mobile and through a new web interface. I identified user pain points through user research, and testing will validate the improvements, resulting in a more seamless and satisfying user experience.
UX/UI Designer
User Researcher
4 Weeks
(Fall 2024)
Individual Project
Duo Mobile is a multifactor authentication app that provides additional security. Many universities use the Duo Mobile app to strengthen security through a second verification. Students verify their account in the Duo Mobile app by approving a push notification during their login process.
Current Duo Mobile Design
Directed interview (5 parts)
Number of Interviewees: 7
Affinity Diagramming
After conducting direct interviews, I documented and analyzed the responses to identify insights and key findings. Using affinity diagramming, I organized these insights, focusing on three insights that highlight the user's pain points.
1. Users use Duo Mobile very frequently, but they feel the current user flow is complex, leading to low satisfaction (5.8).
2. Users understand the need for second verification, but they want something quicker and easier.
3. Users want more diverse verification methods beyond phone number verification, as the lack of a clear user flow for changing phone numbers causes inconvenience.
How can a redesigned Duo Mobile app deliver a faster, more seamless verification experience?
How can we ensure that users have more diverse methods of accessing the Duo account, especially when they have problems with their mobile devices?
Crazy 8’s
Based on the findings from the interviews, ideation was conducted through Crazy 8's to come up with the ways to improve user experience.
Using Figma, I redesigned the Duo Mobile app and also created a web version, focusing on three key flows to address user pain points related to phone number changes and account verification.
Flow 1
Sign-up Page (web)
Sign-up process enables users to include phone number and email address on their account that helps users when they face changes in their mobile device.
Flow 2
Phone Number Change (web)
Users can change their personal information by logging into their account through their email or phone number. In the new web interface, users can change their account details in settings when they need to change their personal information.
Flow 3
Quicker, Easier Second Verification (app)
Verifying an account using Face ID is easier and quicker compared to current Duo Mobile verification process.
Current process of verifying account using Duo Mobile app
Verifying account using new designed Duo Mobile (face ID)
After re-designing using Figma, I conducted a user test with seven interviewees, asking them to conduct tasks corresponding to the three user flows.
1. Does the re-designed Duo mobile app allow users to verify their accounts in an easier and faster way?
2. Does Duo Web reduce user pain points when they change their phone number and try to log in to their school account?
1) User satisfaction with the current Duo was 5.8 on a scale of 1-10 and which increased to 8.4 after completing tasks with the redesigned version — a 44.8% improvement.
2) The task completion time for Task 2 was reduced by 8 seconds, dropping to 7 seconds compared to when using the current Duo Mobile app.
3) The perceived ease of use improved from 3.8 to 4.6, reflecting a 21.1% increase.
As an international student who frequently changes phone numbers, it was meaningful for me to understand the pain points of other students in the same situation and solve them through design.
It was my first experience creating prototypes using Figma, and I learned that I can implement detailed interfaces and interaction interfaces using Figma.
User research experience taught me the importance of understanding users before designing interfaces.